A 45-year-old Christian Pakistani woman named Asia Bibi has been sentenced to death by hanging for allegedly insulting the prophet Muhammed. She says she didn’t do it. She says she’s been set up by the Muslim women she works with…the women who wouldn’t drink water delivered by Asia Bibi on their worksite because she’s a Christian and the water she brought is therefore unclean…the women who formed a mob to attack her necessitating intervention by the police who took Asia Bibi into custody for her own protection…the police who then turned around and filed a blasphemy charge against her.
So Asia Bibi may hang.
Oh, not to worry: nobody has every actually been executed under Pakistani blasphemy laws. Well, technically nobody has. Ten people accused of breaking these laws have been murdered during the trial process, but never actually executed by the courts.
I’m sitting in my house right now watching a big-screen television. The heating and air folks came by today to finish some duct work so our house can heat and cool more quickly and efficiently.
I got a new suit today. A new shirt and tie, too. I didn’t even buy it! I used a gift card given to me by some very dear friends. “I really like the pattern on that shirt,” I told the tailor.
Asia Bibi doesn’t know when they may execute her.
A pastor friend and I had pizza for lunch, and a great conversation. We laughed a lot. It was really a blast.
Asia Bibi is viewed as “unclean” by her Pakistani neighbors.
My wife and I took a walk tonight. We were talking about how the weather is almost perfect.
Asia Bibi may just hang for believing in Jesus.
I’ll go to bed tonight in peace and groan a bit when the alarm clock goes off.
Asia Bibi says she hasn’t told her children yet that their momma might hang for believing in Jesus.
So, I don’t know.
Say a prayer for Asia Bibi: a little Pakistani woman who’s decided that following Jesus is worth it, even if it costs her her life.
Lord, give her courage. Lord, help her not to crack under the pressure. Lord, if Asia Bibi is to die, let her die with grace.
And, Lord, make me like Asia Bibi, I pray.