A number of months ago a friend of mine gave me a copy of The Complete Works of Florence Shinn, a monograph containing four of her works: The Game of Life and How to Play It, Your Word is Your Wand, The Secret Door to Success, and The Power of the Spoken Word, all four written from 1925-1945. My comments in this post are a reflection on the first work, and, apparently, Shinn’s most famous work, The Game of Life and How to Play It.
I would like to begin by noting what I think is positive about Shinn’s work. I do not disagree with the general principle that what we say and what we think is powerful. I do not disagree that binding yourself to certain ideas or sentiments oftentimes seems to create self-fulfilled prophecies. For instance, the person who is obsessed with illness oftentimes seems to get sick. The person with the positive attitude, who has a strong sense of faith and optimism, oftentimes seems to overcome obstacles.
Furthermore, I do not disagree with the general idea that attitude is important, that verbalization seems in some sense to trend toward actualization, and that the inward disposition tends to manifest itself outwardly. I do not even disagree with the general idea that one’s disposition and attitude, which is usually reflected in one’s words and actions, has a kind of attractional pull. That is, like tends to attract like.
In noting these realities, Shinn has a point. What is alarming to me, however, is that Shinn goes far, far beyond these ideas as general principles and has created instead a metaphysical system that, tragically, is buttressed by a talismanic and almost magical view of language (heck, the second work is literally entitled Your Word is Your Wand!), the calcification of fairly common sense principles into mechanistic “laws,” the collapse of theological terms and constructs into anthropology, a staggeringly eisegetical approach to scripture in which the wider context of verses is ignored and snippets are reduced to maxims shaped to support Shinn’s tenuous assumptions, the reduction of theological reflections to man’s comfort (usually in monetary terms), and a non-orthodox Christology that appears time and again to reduce Jesus and HIs work to a mere schema of self-actualization and possibly even to man’s own innate power to bring about desirable outcomes.
In short, there is much to be very, very uncomfortable about with Shinn’s work. Let me explain.
Near the end of The Game fo Life and How to Play It, Shinn offers what I would suggest is her thesis statement for the entire work:
All the good that is to be made manifest in man’s life is already an accomplished fact in divine mind, and is released through man’s recognition, or spoken word, so he must be careful to decree that only the Divine Idea be made manifest, for often, he decrees, through his “idle words,” failure or misfortune (p.69).
In that statement you can see the hallmarks of Shinn’s book: the curious use of terminology (i.e., “in divine mind”), the granting of great power to man’s “recognition” or “words,” and the talismanic approach to language (i.e., say the right thing and good things happen, say the wrong thing and bad things happen).
As I finished this work I thought, “This is a Pentecostalized Platonism.” Only in reviewing the first pages of the book again as I began this review did I remember that Shinn indeed gives Plato credit for the basic framework of her ideas: “There are three departments of the mind, the subconscious, the conscious and superconscious…The superconscious mind is the God Mind within each man, and is the realm of perfect ideas. In it, is the ‘perfect pattern’ spoken of by Plato, the Divine Design, for there is a Divine Design for each person” (p.4-5).
Within this framework, Shinn develops the idea that man needs to tap into the affirming, person-exalting intention of the superconscious mind, the God Mind. Why? Because “Infinite Intelligence, God, is ever ready to carry out man’s smallest or greatest demands” (p.7). Shinn loves the idea that God wants to give man whatever man wants and she loves the language of “demand.” We should “demand” this or that, for we are indeed entitled to such. This leads Shinn to say truly shocking things at times:
A student once made this wonderful statement: “When I ask the Father for anything, I put my foot down, and I say: Father, I’ll take nothing less than I’ve asked for, but more!” So man should never compromise” (p.72)
Wonderful? The Christian mind cringes at the thought of “putting our foot down” with God. We’re a long way from the writer of Hebrews’ idea of coming “boldly” before the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). What Shinn is proposing strikes me as outright presumption and entitlement. Lest you think I am being too hard, please note that Shinn says man should “demand that the enormous sums of money, which are his by divine right, reach him under grace” (p.70).
Here is where we can see how Shinn’s work laid a metaphysical foundation for the prosperity gospel so prevalent on religious television and in many churches today. “Infinite Intelligence” wants you to have your best life now, and if you say the right things and think in the right ways you can tap into that upper level reality and let the blessings flow into your life!
There are other problems. Frequently, Shinn’s handling of scripture is extremely muddled. Take, for instance, Shinn’s handling of Isaiah, 55:11—”so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty.” In this text, God proclaims His sovereignty and His ability to save His people. In Shinn’s handling, this was said by Isaiah and demonstrates “that words and thoughts are a tremendous vibratory force, ever moulding man’s body and affairs” (p.10). How tragic. She takes words from God’s mouth and reduces them to an example of an alleged innate self-actualizing power of words in our mouths. This is what I mean when I say that Shinn collapses theology into anthropology. It really is all about man in her mind. This mishandling of scripture occurs time and again in Shinn’s work. For her, “He restoreth my soul” (Ps. 23) “means that the subconscious mind or soul, must be restored with the right ideas, and the ‘mystical marriage’ is the marriage of the soul and the spirit, or the subconscious and the superconscious mind” (p.19). Wait…what?! Shinn even anthropologizes Satan, defining “the tempter” as “the adverse thought or reasoning mind” (p.12).
Shinn’s Christology is woefully lacking. For her, Christ is a purveyor of maxims intended to be used for self-actualization. This leads her into truly dangerous exegetical waters: “When the subconscious is flooded with the perfect ideas of the superconscious, God and man are one. ‘I and the Father are one.’ That is, he is one with the realm of perfect ideas…etc.” (p.19). I consider Shinn’s handling of scripture to be the single most pernicious and disastrous aspect of her work. That is an absolutely unacceptable way to handle Jesus’ words about His union with the Father. Here’s another instance of her misuse of the words of Jesus: “Jesus Christ said, ‘And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.’ So, we see freedom (from all unhappy conditions) comes through knowledge…” (p.31). But is that what Jesus meant by “freedom” there, that you would be free from all unhappy conditions? I kept wondering while reading Shinn what she would say about Job, a man who did NOT invite disaster with careless words, or what she would say to the martyrs who died and suffered and experienced all manner of “unhappy conditions” precisely because they said the right words!
On and on I could go. Some of her statements are just stop-you-in-your-tracks stupefying (“Money is God in manifestation, as freedom from want and limitation, but it must be always kept in circulation and put to right uses” ((p.47-48)).) Some of her statements potentially heap piles of shame upon people who would actually believe them (“All disease, all unhappiness, come from the violation of the law of love” ((p.49)).) Over and over again she reduces everything to man’s own material success (“Many of the richest men in this country have been tithers, and I have never known it to fail as an investment” ((p.52)).) Tithing is “an investment”! Her view of language and its effects sometimes sounds occultic (“It takes a very strong mind to neutralize a prophecy of evil” ((p.56)).) At times her words sound like a caricature of themselves (“…so she determined to deny the loss, and collect the two thousand dollars from the Bank of the Universal” ((p.58)).) She uses this idea of a heavenly “bank” more than once by the way.
While Shinn does refer to God and Christ as external realities and persons, on numerous occasions she refers to God and Christ in ways that make it unclear whether or not these are even entities separate and distinct from human potential (“‘Every man is a golden link in the chain of my good,’ for all men are God in manifestation, awaiting the opportunity given by man, himself, to serve the divine plan of his life” ((p.24)). And again, “A woman in urgent need of money, ‘made light’ upon the Christ within, the superconscious, with the statement, ‘I cast this burden of lack on the Christ (within) and I go free to have plenty’ ((p.38)). And again, “A prenatal treatment should be: ‘Let the God in this child have perfect expression; let the Divine Design of his mind, body and affairs be made manifest throughout his life, throughout eternity” ((p.62)).)
Tellingly, Shinn seems to give us a glimpse of her cards at one point. In redefining “sin” Shinn writes, “The student learns that in metaphysics sin has a much broader meaning than in the old teaching” (p.64). Metaphysics vs. “the old teaching.” That gives us a clue as to what is happening here.
Shinn saw herself as an enlightened soul who could take the traditional language and categories of Christianity and reappropriate them in the service of her man-centered philosophy of betterment. This is evident perhaps nowhere more clearly than in Shinn’s assertion that “Christ was both person and principle; and the Christ within each man is his Redeemer and Salvation. The Christ within is his own fourth dimensional self, the man made in God’s image and likeness” (p.75). Shinn cannot build her system around Christ the “person” for such is tied to objectivity and historicity, to the particulars of the gospel story. Christ as He is is not open to the malleable reshaping of Him into mere self-improvement techniques. But Christ as a principle can be reshaped and used in whatever way we want to reshape and use Him. That is what Shinn has done here: she has not spoken the gospel. She has taken the language of the gospel and baptized it into a philosophy of human self-esteem, self-improvement, and self-betterment. Even the book cover communicates pretty clearly what the upshot of Shinn’s philosophy is:
I think it was Barth who once said that you don’t get God by shouting “Man!” loudly. I thought about that statement a lot while reading Shinn.
I will try to end this very negative review with a positive: as a precursor of the modern health-wealth-prosperity zaniness of extreme forms of Pentecostalism, Shinn’s work does have historical value. Other than that, I would steer clear.
I do love it when I come across the word “talismanic” in the course of my day.
Lol! Well, you’re welcome then! Ha!
I just listened to this book as an audiobook on Hoopla today. The free library app. It was recommended by a leader in a entrepreneurial support group. I picked up right away that it sounded like New Age teaching. Apparently The New Thought movement of the late 19th century/early 20th century was a precursor of what is now called New Age I also cringed at her interpretation of Isaiah 55 and Jesus “the kingdom of God is within you.” And her interpretation that “give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses” were legitimate DEMANDS we could make of God. My first foray into checking to see what reviewers said about this book only turned up glowing reports. Dissatisfied, I googled “Christian view of ‘The Game of Life'” and came upon your refreshing and accurate review.” Thanks for reassuring me that I heard what I thought I heard. Have already warned another member of the group.
Thank you for your comments Joan!
Same, I just wanted to hear a accurate review, not lies about how this is book is so informative and useful in increasing your happiness in life or whatever, thanks for the review.
Thank you for this review. As stated above, I also googled “Christian Views”.
There is a distinct difference between new age and biblical teaching. For obvious reasons, I would say this is new age.
She does use bible quotes, but she also twists them into her own thinking and outcome. She is forcing her own outcome, and not depending on the Lord. The biggest problem I had with this book, is when she states our divine right. We do not have a divine right, we have the grace of god. What we think is good for us, is not always Gods plan for us, nor is it going to be good for us. She states,”our divine right”, that is totally, absolutely against Gods will. To seek God first is not the same as our divine right. There are many times in my life that I have prayed for something, and then wonder if I should even be praying for that particular thing. If it is not Gods will, I do not want it.. Period…
That is why when we seek the Lord first, we put him first in all things. We seek his will and purpose, and with in that he will guide us if we trust and love him.
Thank you for writing this! I have just found this audio book in my Youtube recommendations and immediately thought “this can’t be Christian.” I have recently awoken from naively following new practices like the law of attraction and thankfully returned home to Christ. I think the main goal of the new age movement is to take power from the Creator (God) and claim power to the creation (humans.)
Thank you for this Amanda! I think you are spot on in your assessment of the new age movement. I certainly wish you joy, goodness, and peace in your walk with Christ!
OH MY AMANDA! We are on the same boat. You totally got it.
“Thank you for writing this! I have just found this audio book in my Youtube recommendations and immediately thought “this can’t be Christian.” I have recently awoken from naively following new practices like the law of attraction and thankfully returned home to Christ. I think the main goal of the new age movement is to take power from the Creator (God) and claim power to the creation (humans.)”
Would love to continue this conversation. If not here, maybe anyone can point in the right direction… web?.lecture? ..ect.
on this very particular subject?
I’m not convinced of one over the other. And I would love to keep exploring the self center vs God center subject matter. And why fundamentalist Christians are convinced they need not be one and the same in relativity. If love is at the core of a message, why not love self at the same level as love God? If created by a perfect Ultimate Artist in his image, why not strive to be a perfectly creative artist of your life?
Thanks for any feedback.
Hi Dimitri. Thank you for comments. As for why “fundamentalists” think this or that, you will need to ask a fundamentalist. But I will try to respond a bit. Let me say, however, that I posted this review two years ago, and while skimming the review has brought back to mind much of what Shinn wrote and why I wrote what I wrote, I wouldn’t say her book is in anyway fresh on my mind. Two years is just long enough in ministry life for there to be a lot of water under the bridge in terms of where my head’s at in any given moment! Ha!
I may need a little clarification on your comments, so forgive me if I’m not addressing what you’re asking. In a very general sense—and, again, forgive me if I have misunderstood you—I would say that the “otherness” and holiness and grandeur of God as Creator and the dependence and need of humanity upon God as His creation are very important themes in scripture and in Christian history. Your last sentence leads me to want to say this: “If created by a perfect Ultimate Artist in his image, why not strive to be a perfectly creative artist of your life?” I think I would reply that it is precisely because we are created in his image that a lifetime of study of and conformity to God’s person is so essential. So I think I would want to say that the idea of human beings being “perfectly creative artist[s] of [our] lives” has merit only insofar as it conforms to the person of God and what God has revealed in Christ Jesus. This would be what is behind Paul’s amazing statement in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified in Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. And the life that I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave Himself for me.” (I did that from memory, but I think that’s essentially correct.) Or consider Paul’s astonishing statement in the Carmen Christi of Philippians 2: “Have this mind in yourself which is yours in Christ Jesus…” He then goes on to talk about how our minds must be transformed (a phrase he uses in Romans 12) into the mind of Christ, or how we should take on the mind of Christ.
In other words, I think I am personally uneasy with the idea of human beings being “creative artists” of our own lives without anchoring that very idea into conformity with Christ. The “image of God” cannot mean, then: “God is creator and creates how He will, therefore, as His image bearers, we too are creators and create how we please.” If we truly bear his image our creative intents for our own lives must harmonize with His. I would say, “God is creator and creates how He will, therefore, as His image bearers, we too are creators but only legitimately when we create in harmony with His own great work, which is why we need the mind of Christ to see as He sees.” Without this kind of qualification, we can become consumed with self instead of consumed with God.
Again, if I have misunderstood your point, please do clarify and I’ll try to respond as I am able. In short, I want to be very sure that I am avoiding something like William Ernest Henley’s poem, “Invictus”:
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
I consider the last two lines of that poem to be utterly tragic, and I suppose I feel that Shinn seemed to be getting close to saying something like that.
“I have recently awoken from naively following new practices like the law of attraction and thankfully returned home to Christ. I think the main goal of the new age movement is to take power from the Creator (God) and claim power to the creation (humans.)”
Thanks for your review.
I just discovered my daughter in law is sucked into this teaching.
Of course she got very defensive when I told her I’d sounded like a prosperity gospel..
Are there any recovery group resources that you know of?
Thank you for your comment Judy. I am not aware of any recovery group resources, unfortunately, but I would have to think that they’re out there given the pervasiveness of this kind of thing. I’ll try to look and see if I can find anything. God bless you!
“I have recently awoken from naively following new practices like the law of attraction and thankfully returned home to Christ. I think the main goal of the new age movement is to take power from the Creator (God) and claim power to the creation (humans.)”
Thank you for this review I am so glad to have found this! Sound teaching just feels grounding while her writing leave me feeling like I am grasping at the air. Thank God I have read and understood enough of the Bible for many red flags to pop up while I read her books. So sad so much effort and time goes into a lie for the purpose of misleading others. Her book is not an act of love if it doesn’t point to Jesus. A couple years ago I would have eaten this stuff up, and still I have to admit it sounds attractive but that is the way it is designed. I kept wondering why such an emphasis on money, as far as blatantly calling it God while disguising the statement. Perhaps to stir our focus from actually seeking God to seeking money and prosperity. I though about the woman who repeatedly asked the unfair Judge until she tired him out and he helped her in Luke 18:1-8. How this is meant to encourage us to always pray and not give up. And how this differs from what Florence would have us believe, that our own expression of thoughts and speech, or our own understanding can will things to happen. Another point which raised an eyebrow was her thoughts on reincarnation. These things are presented to us as truths about life and “laws” which all work together. I’ve heard snippets of it from prosperity teaching churches before, so it was disconcerting to see the greater picture it comes from and the sketchy avenues it can lead you down. The good thing is that since the Bible is used for reference to back up her beliefs, we can read the Bible for ourselves and see if anything is being taken out of context or not. I greatly appreciate your review, thank you again.
Thank you for your words and your testimony Violett! God bless you.
I totally agree with you! My intuition really thinks Shinn’s book is suspicious in most ways simply bec. of the fact that she falsely reinforces that Satan does not exist and that there is no evil. Her standpoint is actually very familisr these days, it’s almost similar with the new age spirituality beliefs except that Shinn uses Jesus name and extracts the scripture. Do not be fooled.
I am a Christian and I deeply believe in the Bible. I Have also studied Theology in school. Now I have to say that some of the words used in the book set me on guard for a minute like magical or divine mind. But then I understood that just as we read our Bible in the context of time I had to realize that this book was written in 1925. Which means I had look into the language, times, and mindset of the people in 1925. I also studied the author Mrs. Shin.
For example we don’t currently use the word, ” to miss a trick”. In today’s language some might think she is referring to prostitution.
The first thing about your comments that I find to be wrong is her thesis statement. Her thesis was clearly written at the start of the book. Life is a game and can only be won by following spiritual law which she clearly states is the Bible. She also states that God is the only source of all things (not just money). Her use of the Bible is taking Biblical “universal principles ” from the scripture
and applying it to practical living which she uses proper exegesis of each scripture.
The problem with the modern Christian is that we have misconceptions of what a “Christian ” should be that are not Biblical based but cultural based.
We as Christians come to these type of books with our modern mind of Christianity and lack real understanding.
Another thing is that we as Christians don’t want to take responsibility for the authority that was given to us by God to have dominion on this earth. We want to blame everything on God. God was trying to show us through the life of Jesus how we are supposed to operate on the earth. God respects His own law so much so that He put on a human body to do work in the Earth. Christians live in a helpless state of mind then we blame everything on God and the devil when the Bible clearly states that Man have dominion on the earth.
The reason we do this is because if we are to do the things Christ did on the earth it will also require us to live holy as Christ did. But we love say I am not “God” to excuse our sin. No we are not God…but God lives within us and have given us the power to do all the things Christ did and more. Chist was 100% God and 100% man. Once you receive Him as your savior you receive the Spirit which makes you one with God. The only thing missing is us helpless Christians walking in the authority given us on earth. How do we do that? As a man thinks so is he. If we do not have the same mind as Christ how are we to live as Christ. Thus this book is simply saying line your mind up with God and declare His will in the earth through your words.
I believe if you read this book from the context of knowing about the author, the language used at the time, and take the universal principles from the biblical text that she is using you will get a better understanding of the book.
I believe I will now take on the challenge to write a book about this book from a Christian perspective using nothing but the Bible.
Hello Nicole. Thank you for your comments. It seems we will simply have to agree to disagree here. I’ve provided a number of very specific examples in my original post demonstrating my general argument that she collapses theology into anthropology in this work and has a very dangerous approach to scripture that tends to divorce specific biblical texts from their contexts, gut them of their original meaning, and then flatten them out into maxims that promote her project. I would urge very real caution as you engage her work in your further studies. I do wish you all the best.
Amen! I second Nicole’s Christian perspective and research of era dialogue of the 1920’s for better understanding.
I found little disagreement with Florence Scovel Shinn’s spiritual outlook. I have a close friend who devoured the 4 books and she came out of depressed shell, It made her more curious of the simple prespective.
Truly it was so simple for her to come up for air and try. 21 days to crack a habit and 21 days to gain a healthier habit
So I won’t knock Florence’s books.
I was raised and brought up strict lovable Baptist. My dear old dad was pastor.At age 13 I accepted Jesus as God’s Son, born again. I loved and still love Jesus.
Around my early 40’s I lost my dad, who was also a theologian and history buff.. He had taught me Greek and Hebrew.
As a writer of historical fiction with a glimpse of religious background and society pov I research historical records and origins of words and jargon.
Like I wrote above, I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at age 13.
At age 40 a niggling question of “Big scary God” from my childhood. It haunted me. As a child I was told God is Creator Of All. The Trinity was explained reference to an ice cube. Water, ice and vapor. So man is spirit soul and flesh. My youngster mind could not understand how can I ever love scary mean God with wrathful attitude to mankind other than Jews? Frankly, back then most of he Old Testament scared me. God Of Love made no sense had haunted me.
So info junkie I am went to the origin of The God of Abraham and retraced Jesus backstory from birth. The more I dug the more I asked God, pleaded for Him to open my spiritual awareness. “Trust in God with all thine heart, soul and mind. Lean not to your own understanding. Keep His Commandments. was ingrained in my young mind and Philippines 4:13 has been my life-long mantra. I prayed for answers and got satisfying answers that resonated true to me. Then Dr. Chuck Misslier crossed my path and through his information challenge I ventured down the proverbial rabbit hoIe. I rediscovered God and His Wondrous Love. His Infinite Holy Spirit dwells within me.
To my dismay I awakened to my off- center Christian upbringing.
I studied the origins. I now understand the Bible so much better. I enjoy reading all of it, Genesis to Revelations. ; Understand more of The Infinite Godhead.
It’s a pity my dear old dad is not a live on earth in this day and age. I believe he would debate my point of view of the 4 books by Florence Scovel Shinn I had read and loaned out.
The message that resonated with me was Love and Mercy United is Christ-Like and how we believers should strive to live everyday. Keep a “Divine” mindset with an open heart of love and forgiveness. For the Love Jesus Christ bore on the cross
God The Son was born not to condemn the world but to save the world. The World, not just the Jews. Jew and Gentile. Praise God!
He Triumphed on the cross, overcame death to save the world. Accepting This Truth is a choice to die in the grave or live eternally in like Spirit.
Proverbs 18:4 is a parable how to speak.
Luke 17:20-21 states The Kingdom Of God is within.
I have never demanded anything of my earthy father, I dare not demand anything of my Heavenly Divine Father. Matthew 7:7. Is the respectful way to approach God and only through CHRIST’S Name.
Seek God’s Will. Abide His Commandments, live with a spirit of love and heart of forgiveness. God wants us to pray, serve and worship Him. So do pray for His Wonderful Grace to shroud you and bless you
Be humble and grateful with your requests. Trust His Will for the perfect blessings.
It’s a choice to seek God’s Will or not.
He wants us to live abundantly. He Rewards in Infinite ways. Serve with love, give the first of your fruits. . . I accept this as all my increases. Income and.my garden. I open my garden to local community to glean. I monetarily tithe to where I glean Spiritual Awareness. I had learned it truly is more blessed to give than receive. To inspire a spark in one’s eyes or smile feels good to give. Especially to children in need.
I am no longer religious. I am not new age either. A decade ago. I shook off fundamental interpretations and self- righteous teachings. I carry no stones.
I live by faith and strive to live spiritually righteous. This perspective and spiritual journey is not so complicated though in my southern locality it is lonely. Stones are still carried in pockets and purses here. Even among my kin.
I believe people forget or ignore their spiritual side. They accept a knowned authority as true gospel without investigating if his pov is Divine or not. His testimony Monday-say through Friday had perked my curiosity over a decade ago. Perhaps my kin are scared to shine their light?
If you are a believer of God The Son, I challenge those who want the origin of why is this or that about anything, go dig for origin of whatever niggles your God-given common sense. Look beyond your upbringing. Trust Jesus to guide your research. Doors open to unlikely sources or me. If you are close to Christ the “hunch” does happen. I call it a good vibe or bad vibe.
I did. I had rejoiced to discover what I should have been taught as a child in Christian home.
I feel much lighter, happier and had rediscovered my childish joy of “Ahah!” My life is brighter with sharing blessings, goodwill which reaps good fortune. It’s The Great I Am in me is why now i stress very little and laugh more. I share this with love for I enjoy reading and researching this and that makes me go hmm?
I appreciate discussions of spiritual perspectives and book reviews. Thank you for this book review.
Hello Janice, I also agree with you about Florence’s book. I found little disagreement, she especially says that when you understand the spiritual law you’ll be careful with your words, and you’ll understand the Bible more. For example, our Lord Jesus Christ said to the Pharisees, “And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and has a threatening look.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but cannot interpret the signs of the times?
Just like the people of Jesus’ time would have called Him a ‘New Ager’ is the same way people resist a different interpretation of the Bible than the normal theological. We should also remember that Jesus said to ‘beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and that a blind man leads a blind man and they both fall into a pit.
I believe that the lack of Bible understanding was the cause of division in the church as the religious leaders tried to make everyone follow one understanding of the Bible.
Nevertheless, I do say that one should read the Bible first before reading Florence’s book so you can base your understanding on God’s word and not her word. That way you’ll gain more clarity. But I also say that you should not ‘demand’ anything from God, as you must be humble before your Father and Creator, you should ASK, not DEMAND. Demanding shows arrogance and I doubt that such would please Him.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you too in getting the right answers, as only Him through God can make it happen. God bless you.
I believe Florence says not my will God but they will,
She knows she is forgiven and that she is a saint , righteous and Holy and that nothing is impossible to a man who believes,
When she says the inner conscious Christ consciousness (mind) she is talking about walking not in trust in our own understanding but God and all things are possible with God,
..she is telling us to believe in God in faith and not to the outside things or events…she is not taking the Glory of God but giving credit to God is to be trusted and depend upon,.
… carnal mind can’t walk in faith ..they are full of doubt they are common to things of there mind what it can see feel and touch ..
….. Florence is teaching to remain in faith even if the the situation on the outside has not changed,but within you it has changed..
People who mix faith and works
Cants walk in faith for Grace to them is too Good to be true they stand confused
… Grace is surrender to God power
…but those who walk by the law can’t surrender..to what is finished
So they try with good deeds to pliz God..not knowing God is already plized with what Christ did for humanity, and that everything from God is received through faith,.
…..they refuse Grace because it steals our away man’s ego ,man’s self-righteousness,..which makes not love your neighbor,for Grace enables us to love our neighbors it’s the power of God,……..
… Churches which are still in the mixer of the law of Moses and Grace are confused and have not attained salvation, because of there unbelief That it’s finished…
..so they have not entered Rest in of God sin Christ Jesus…they are still seeking what is received by faith in Grace alone …..
Having heard some glowing references to Shinn’s writing on a TV program recently, I borrowed four books from the library. In short, I slowly became appalled by Shinn’s view of God as a piggy bank for instant gratification of our wants and needs. It’s as if she skipped over the part in the bible about “by the sweat of thy brow..”. All we have to do is think it and it will appear. Since when is God there to fetch for me? I was so perturbed..I turned to the internet for some critical responses. Glad I came across your article. In truth..I don’t think her writings merit as much reflection as you’ve given her.
Here’s the irony..she knows her scriptural passages that are assertive of God’s prevailing presence in our lives for our “welfare and not for evil.” But she totally misses out on the relationship of creature to Maker…whom we should love and worship for its very Self and whose commandments it’s incumbent upon us to follow.
I shall use her many affirmative references to strengthen my faith and trust in God to see me through life’s ups and downs…as God so wills…not according to my will and demand of my Maker.
Thank you for your comments, Joy. May God bless you.
I had to apologize to God for incorporating Ms Shinn’s false teachings into my life. I read her book, The Game of Life, and thought it could help me to change my financial forecast. How unfortunate for me to believe such teachings. I was also listening to Joseph Murphys videos and thought his teachings would help to change my life as well. And then there is Abraham-Hicks. Her messages made no sense to me and so I stopped listening to her immediately. I am beyond ashamed for not trusting God for supplying all my needs. He gives me all things richly to enjoy. How in the world coukd I possibly ask for more. These teachings have been a waste of my time and vow to never listen to this new age idea ever again. Your article post serves to remind us that God is our everything and I am blessed to call Him Father. I’ve been a Christian all of my life. I just wondered how I veered off the straight and narrow even for just a moment. Whatever I need I’ll go to God and ask Him and whatever I ask Him for is always from a need and nit greed. God bless you all
Thank you Cyndi. Truly. God bless you.
The summary here is : Shinn’s work (in its raw form) is a masterpiece for the man who understands scripture, and has an understanding of the new creation realities. However it could mislead the new or infant Christian who is hungry and searching for raw and literal guidance.
Shinn was a lady that lived ahead of her time, understanding and interpreting the scriptures with the boldness best language possible of her time. The internet speaks little about her pure christain walk, but it would be unfair to think she was not filled with the Holy Ghost. Her writings resonate as one who was.
In the hands a well-founded Christian, her work is a silver bullet. But could be ‘a train on rampage’ for an infant.
I love her work.
Perfect love!!!
so many “christians” now just lack spiritual insight and the true message of LOVE and they are quick to judge/condemn. They push people away from Christ! I have noticed how insane people have become arguing about doctrine and missing the entire point of how we are supposed to treat all people and express our soul.
Even this post seemed so judgmental, pharisee like, and just prideful.
Changing my thoughts and words (which are spirit) changed my entire life for the better! These teachings of belief and faith and speaking rightfully are exactly what Jesus taught.
I have left Christianity once because of how hateful and crazy a lot of these people are!!! They miss the entire idea and while thinking they know scripture they twist it into the opposite and go against the commandments of Christ.
Jesus Christ literally had to come back and get me and show me that they all just do not understand and I must walk in love for all and speak life.
Those who judge are projecting their own guilt. They limit the power of God when they do this rather than trusting his spirit and power.
Hello Ashes 2 Ashes! Along with your other allegations mentioned in another response you made, I regret that you feel this post “seemed so judgmental, pharisee like, and just prideful.”
I’d be happy to talk about any of the specific points I made in the post if you are so inclined.
God bless you!
Thanks so much for this review. The Holy Spirit will always guide you to steer clear of such writings. The game of life and how to play it audiobook was recommended to me and the concepts narrated were appealing to me at first. But as I progressed listening, something about it did not sit well with my spirit and it just felt heretical. It just reminded me of Ellen G White writings and the prose.
God bless.
Thank you James. God bless you!
My new neighbor, who proclaims to be a born again Christian, invited me to her home. She talked about Jesus. Yet, I undeniably discerned a spirit of New Age on her, and knew she planned to convert me. 2 months later she sprung The Game of Life book on me, while freely referring to “the universe”, as the source of her victory, which she manipulated with her mind. She “creates her own reality and fantasy world”. Is this not an attempt to be one’s own God….satans earliest trick in the Garden of Eden? This “New Thought Movement” is very much linked to Helena Blavaaky (the godmother of the occult) and others like her, and is rooted in the satanic cult of Babylon and Egypt. New Age is pulling in tons of uninformed Christians and is currently forming into the prophesied one world religion of the antichrist.
Thank you for your comment. I agree with you about the dangers of the New Age movement.
The review above yours referring to the teachings as a silver bullet for those with a true understanding rings true to me. Those who immediately judge the ones of us who understand it and cast the stones that it is heretical and some scary awful thing is falling prey to their own fears, their own lack of understanding and taking Shinns verbiage too literally. Someone further up pointed out quite well that if you are unable to take in account the use of language during the time period it was written, you will undoubtedly miss the mark in understanding her teachings as you yourself unwittingly apply your own spin to her words. I feel the same has happened with the teachings of the Bible and why there is such division around that.
Hello Mary. Thank you for comments. Could you please provide me specific examples of where I took Shinn’s verbiage too literally leading to my misunderstanding her? I think that would be helpful.
Exactly!! stay away from these people!! they throw stones!!
people like the author of this post have no idea of spiritual things and are quick to judge people they do not even know and when they do they judge Christ himself.
Hello Ashes 2 Ashes. I am sorry that you feel like I “throw stones” and “have no idea of spiritual things” and “are quick to judge people they do not even know” and “judge Christ himself.”
Whew! Those are quite strong allegations!
I would love to interact about any of the specific critiques I made of Shinn’s work if you would like to.
Hello, thanks for your post. I personally, growing up Christian, had a hard time thinking my parents, who were wonderful people ,passed tragically, died that way due to God’s will.
So, still believing in God and Christ, I asked directly, to know how things work. And the Kybalion came to me in a very interesting way. So I read. OK, that made sense to me and gave me a view of God’s greatness. But I still lacked what to do and how to do. Then the work of Florence Scovel Shinn came to me and I found answers. I have no doubt of how we can attract what we send out to the world and to others. I even have created a channel on YouTube where I read the chapters of her book in my language. Anyway, I also search Classic Philosophy. And I think our main goal should be becoming better humans. The most precious teaching of Jesus to me is “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”. It is not fair and human to be only asking for things and denying the pain of our brothers and sisters. We should make ourselves useful and helpful. I didn’t come to her work as a source of money, but mainly for answers of how terrible things happen to good people. And I completely agree with her that God has only good for us. That, for me, contradicts the stepping your foot on God to get what you want. It is God’s will, not ours, for me. And after regaining my faith, I did apply some of the affirmations and was rescued and helped by Jesus and God in miraculous ways of my standpoint, things I could not do alone for myself. I retain what is good from her books. I still share because many could be looking for answers that by no means refer to money.
Hello Andreia, your post resonated with me. I was raised, on and off, in an apostasy church: the Episcopal church. But had never read a bible. Never attended Sunday school (because we lived too far away). I did not have praying parents. Had never heard of being “born again”. Had no idea that Jesus is alive.
In 2019 or 2020 a woman (who is not a Christian) recommended Florence Shinn’s the Game of Life. I decided to get the complete works of Florence Shinn. Just like you Andreia, I got a tremendous benefit from reading this book. My benefit was Florence’s affirmations. This book put me on the path to becoming a Christian (I didn’t know I wasn’t a Christian!). I used to live my life in fear. I typed up and printed out a double-sided page of Florence’s affirmations. And read them almost everyday, and took them with me whenever I was driving somewhere in my car. Some of the ones that come to mind are “I cast this burden on the Christ within and I go free.” “Thy will be done this day! Today is a day of completion; I give thanks for this perfect day, miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease.” “I walk boldly up to the lion on my pathway and find it is a friendly airedale.” I appreciate your post Andreia. Wyman, I appreciate you having this forum!
I came to this site today, since I haven’t looked at this book in years. Knowing that Florence was a meta-physicist, I wanted to see if she was also a Christian. Maybe, maybe not. But if I hadn’t read this book, I might not have been pursuing God, like I did. And couldn’t be more grateful that I ended up being born again in 2021 at the age of 71.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Pamela. God bless.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,”
But does the bible TALISMANIZE Jesus Christ who is the Word?
Proverbs 13:3-13 “Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys himself.”
Honestly it seems like you’re convinced you know the will of God and exactly how he works, while ignoring the Bible because she points out things that are inconvenient for you to investigate.
Are your prayers answered?
“That is why I tell you, whatever you pray about and ask for, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.”
Do you use your imaging faculty that God gave you to actually make prayer work? Or do your prayers go unanswered because YOU believe you know how God works, better than the Bible teaches.
Honestly a baffling take!
Hello Ian! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I have read your comments and re-read my review. I’m at peace with what I’ve typed there and believe I’ve given specific examples in my post to justify my conclusions. You obviously disagree. Fair enough. I’ll leave it to readers of this review to determine whether or not I have fairly or unfairly represented the work in question and to guess whether or not I am ignoring the Bible. May God bless you.
Died of an unknown illness. Hmmm. Did she manifest it?
we will all die in these bodies.
Thank you so much for your review. I’m a believer and was also very torn by what I read. She uses scriptures but not accurately. To tell the truth I was a little confused. Thank you for your refreshing easy to understand review with specific instances that I can look at again (with more light). You are truly a blessing!! Thank you!!
May God bless the work of your hands.
Thank you Angela!
I was just searching for a Christian view of Shinn’s book and landed here. After reading the PDF, there definitely seemed to be many facts, as you stated at the beginning of your review, and then some passages that seemed to give man all the power, I suppose. As a person who is seeking a close connection to God and also a joyful life, I have found religion to be quite empty for the past 7 years. I’d love to hear from a Christian on how is one “guided” by Christ in all that he does exactly? The reason for which I want money is that if I do not have it, I need to play according to someone else’s “set of values” in a workforce. Oftentimes, rather every time, this work has forced me to do things out of integrity and was all-consuming and sucked the joy out of my life. In a corrupted world, I do not want to play this game and frankly, I do not believe it is Christian either. I believe we should be able to spend our days doing something we look forward to waking up to and that can cover all of our needs (and why not fun too, is that a terrible thing)? Because being a slave to a corrupt world is just not an answer.
Not everything is in money of course, but being in a survival mode = means living in constant fear, not faith. Shinn seems to always come back to “if it is God’s will” NOT MY WILL. So I wonder, why is it bad to ask for what we want if it is God’s will? How do you receive the proper guidance and know? I would love to hear more about this; where is God? How do we hear him if not from within?
How do you ask God for guidance and receive it? Because the Christians around me do not seem happy. This is my personal observation. Almost as though there is no childlike joy remaining in them.
So much theory and overanalyzing, yet what I want is simple. I would love to hear from you.
Thank you. Isabella
Hello Isabella! Please forgive my delay in responding. I appreciate your comments and questions.
I certainly agree with you that too many Christians do not seem happy. The first half of Matthew 18 calls us to childlike Kingdom living and, you are correct, our lives should reflect this. I believe the way forward is taking on the mind of Christ. To this end I believe two passages of scripture are key: Galatians 2:20 and Philippians 2:1-11. We find and receive the guidance of God in becoming increasingly conformed to the image of Jesus, in taking the joyful but sometimes difficult yoke of Jesus upon us, and of being apprentices of Jesus. (I would commend to you the work of Dallas Willard, specifically The Divine Conspiracy.) To your point about the lack of joy in Christians I would say that this is largely the result of the failure of the American church to embrace actual discipleship. That is, too many are seeking the benefits of the Christian life without actual conformity to Jesus. God is found in Jesus: “He who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). So immersion into the life and teachings and cross of Jesus is absolutely essential.
Practically speaking, then, what does it look like? It looks a daily conforming to Jesus through a daily death to self by the continuous overtaking of our selfish minds with the mind of Jesus. Sometimes we make great big leaps in this journey. Sometimes it is with daily and incremental steps, what Eugene Peterson called “a long obedience in the same direction.” But as we daily submit ourselves to Christ, live by faith, and take on the mind of Christ, we are thereby equipped to be what God is calling us to be.
When this happens, we can better navigate the doldrums and drudgery of jobs that are less than optimal. We are also freed to rejoice when God gives us plenty just as rejoice when we go without.
May I suggest a practical suggestion? Read the Sermon on the Mount every day (Matthew 5-7). Serve others. Worship the Lord with other Christians and do so with the joy you hope in time to see in others. Be the light you are frustrated that you are not seeing. I would start there.
I am going to stop and pray for you now in this!
It’s important Christians are not scrupulous and highly judgemental.
You definitely have a point. Thank you for sharing.
Brothers and Sisters,
Doesn’t the bible, Jesus Christ declare their will be many false prophets.
The devil comes to steal kill and destroy.
False prophet equals false hope.
“I am the light and the way”
Jesus Christ
King of Kings and Prince of peace.
Just read game of life, something is terribly wrong with this book.
If it is a pure new age book like “Think and Grow rich”, Christians will normally stay away.
But Shinn’s work is much more dangerous because she took scriptures and made it into several simple laws which is very appealing and it is easy to follow.
While I was waiting for God on an important matters, this book was suggested via the youtube channel. Although I finished reading the book and was enticed to practice what it taught, my conclusion was: it was not an answer from God.
I followed the link on youtube and found out that the organisation that provided this youtube channel is a newage website. Their logo is masonic.
So, Christians must be careful about this book of new age.
I just started reading the book amd when i reached the part that said “Jesus knew in reality there is no evil “(p21) i stopped!!! It got me thinking that is this book the right one that i should read!?
I mean like how she reached this point that there is no such thing as evil!!!!!?????
It didn’t sit me well so i started to look it up and finally found your review! Thank you for sharing it… I would definitely stop reading it no hard feelings! But it just doesn’t go with my beliefs so its a no for me!
I understand you. Hear me out. In God’s divine eternal reality of the purest love, joy and peace there really is no evil. God’s reality should be our reality even though it’s clear here on earth in the physical there’s more evil than good.
This reality on earth is temporary and carnal while God’s divine eternal reality in the Kingdom Of Heaven is our truest reality eternal not temporary.
Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect. In other words Christians should strive to do whatever it takes to avoid evil which I know isn’t easy. It’s in the Lord’s prayer.
Hmmm…. I just listened to the audio version today and I’ll say I was truly blessed as I believe the holyspirit let me to be introduced to the book by my coach.
I want to believe we didn’t read/listen to the book to the point where she addressed new age practices as things that expose us to evil spirits.
This book was written 100 years ago and the language or words we use today greatly differ from those that were used at the time this book was written.
I once read the “As a man thinketh” book and I immediately knew that it had nothing to do with God especially because the author mainly directed my attention back to myself instead of God. Florence in her book didn’t do any of that. She majorly returned our attention back to the Lord.
How many new age people talk about the trinity? Florence broke that down in a beautiful and relatable way.
If there was anything I didn’t agree with, it’ll be here opinion about evil. We need to remember that Florence’s book isn’t the bible so we shouldn’t take everything as absolute.
Tagging it new age is what i completely disagree with.
This doesn’t also sound like prosperity preaching as she was basically trying to explain to us what we have in Christ. She spoke about how we shouldn’t idolise money, she spoke about how God is the source, she spoke about how we should have an abundance mindset and she buttressesd her points by using bible verses.
The question we should ask is how we arrive at our judgements. Did the holyspirit convict you about this book? Is there a possible fear of now being open minded? You can be open minded without being contaminated. The fear of being contaminated is the reason most Christians do not understand that Jesus died for all and not for them only.
Florence like every Christian isn’t perfect but she didn’t in any way lead me to myself, she made me understand my inheritance in Christ and how to access all that he has for me.
Hello Bimbo Abioye. Thank you for your comment! You and I do appear to have a fundamental disagreement about the overall impulse of Shinn’s books. I have given numerous specific examples explaining my reticence. I wonder if you might engage some of those and show how I have misunderstood her language? (100 years isn’t quite so far back that we cannot recognize what is being said or how language has shifted and changed, but if I have mischaracterized the specific points I mentioned that led to my conclusions I will gladly retract those points!) Thanks so much.
I’m a born again Christian, and in March of 2010, I was living in San Francisco and needed to return to Los Angeles. My faith was weak, and I was somewhat depressed with a broken heart. Freely, The Writings Of Florence Scovel Shinn, her book of 4, gravitated to me out of nowhere! The book caught my attention, and I begun reading. I felt compelled. Before I knew it I had the faith and courage to take that leap of faith and return to Los Angeles and everything worked out. There were a couple of things I questioned like the magical wand but, all-in-all, the affirmations I wrote for myself gave me exactly what I needed to do, since I was afraid. I felt my affirmations were more glorifying to God in the name of Jesus Christ within me. I made sure my affirmations were sincere and with a pure heart. I hope we see Florence Scovel Shinn in Heaven.
It’s important Christians are not scrupulous and highly judgemental.
You definitely have a point. Thank you for sharing.
Florence Scovel Shinn was born in the late 1800s. She probably interpreted a talisman as a religious symbol. Often Christians believe wearing a cross around their necks is for their protection. The cross can be a religious talisman.
In Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy considered the cross idolatry. We worship God in Spirit & Truth not by religious rituals.
I’m sure Christian Science is now a challenge for you just as the Pentecostals are a challenge for the Baptists and Catholics are a challenge for the Baptists as well.
Have a beautiful day.
For centuries even since Jesus Christ, Christians have incorrectly believed it’s right to be poor. Poverty doesn’t come from God. Impoverished ghettos throughout the United States are highly dangerous with drug addicts/cartels, rapists, sexual immorality, filthy streets, filthy mouths, filthy minds, racism, serial killers, organized criminals, gangs, thieves, rioters and other high crimes. There’s nothing wrong with prosperity or wealth. God gives us the power to become wealthy. Certainly there are religious entertainers on TV, evangelists, who love money. They are greedy.
God really doesn’t want anyone to be poor. Another verse says, Jesus became poor so we might become wealthy or at least always have enough money.
Old time religious people teach poverty is good. Of course, there’ll always be poor people because of their beliefs in poverty and unfortunate upbringing and wicked people who jeopardize people’s lives. There’s a lot more to discuss about poverty and ignorance. Religion and the Bible are often not taught correctly. Frustrating!
Upon listening to this book, it appeared that many things were biblical? but then when other things were mention , I googled was this book biblical . Thank you for the facts .so important for me, because I immediately advised my daughter to read it when she had a chance, however within 30 min of reading i needed to email her back and warn her not read that it did not sound like sound doctrine. I then googled and read your view. Thank You very much for sharing and putting into words what I felt. It felt like the book I told to read in a real estate class back in 2007 called “The Secret”. I avoided that as well. Thank you again for your sound wisdom.
Thank you Robin! God bless you.
Excellent article, one I fully agree with though I have only researched the book and it’s roots. Interestingly, I met a woman in my complex who claimed to be a Christian as I am. However, I heard the Lord whisper to my heart that she was an undercover witch who would try to win me over. I waited for her unveiling. It happened one day when she brought over The Game of Life book, tried to indoctrinate me, and offered me a free copy. She had several on hand to give to those who would bite. I refused, researched the subject, and got back to her with the origins of New Thought and its roots of idolatry and sorcery in the aold Testament.
Thank you for your comment Kerry. God bless you.
I agree with the careful assessment of this book.
Lamentations 3:37-38 NIV Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?
The Bible tells us that God’s plan is to save humanity from the fallen nature through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ. Thats why we repent and believe In him to be saved. Those of us who believe and trust unto him, He adopts us as his children. The children of God are those who are lead by the Spirit of God and the Word of God which is the Bible. I had to give up my way and by the grace of God follow God’s way instead. The bible is clear on that we cannot serve both money and God, one must choose his master. God provides for his children always. In context, Luke 12:22–34 records Jesus telling His disciples to lay down anxiety and trust God for physical needs. The Self is the fallen nature of humanity, a false god. Matthew 16:24-26 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it. Jesus Christ was here to save us from ourselves too. To be in Christ is to be in the will of God. May God helps each one of us to trust God’s will and guidance for the life we are destined to live. Amen. 🌸
Thank you for your comment.
I ran across the audio book and didn’t card for the title but thought I would see what it’s about. When I heard scripture mentioned I started thinking this is a good book but something didn’t sit right. To plot and plan and use God to make others respond to you and to get what you want just don’t seem right. I agree with this review, be careful what you allow in your head.
Thank you for your comment, Rose. God bless you.
ohh, | am so naive…. I was reading it but I stopped because somethig was not right… I am also new on my faith walk and unless is blunt new age seems I still fall for it. :/
I was for 18 years in a neo pentecostal “church”, and everything worked for me at the expenses of others.
Now, I am Christian. It is hard, because we are in a broken world and sometimes doing what is correct puts you in a hard situation.
When I found this book, I thought; “Good! I am tired of struggling by trying to be a good person”. But this book was very similar in essence with the “gospel” of prosperity.
In my Christian journey I have learnt that when you align with this world, especially in a “good” way, things work for you, and people consider you a good person. But then you discover that there is no love in anything, you discover that you are far from the Gospel.
Love is hard in a broken world with broken people… but is the truth.
As a Christian, I struggle a lot with the balance point between grace and fairness… but is part of the journey.
Thank you for your comments, Andrea. God bless you!
Thank you so much for your honest and transparent review. This book was mentioned in my wealth-building class so I looked it up on Audible. Lo and behold, I saw the titles of her other books and all of my discernment bells started ringing. As a disciple of Christ, I want to learn the truth about money from scripture, not new ageism. I figured I would Google it and I’m so glad I did! There’s enough new age and Joel Osteen type of prosperity gospel being preached that I purposely steer clear of. With that said, I will ask the Lord to guide me on the right book.
Thank you again!
Thank you Kay! God bless you.