I unpacked last Sunday why I lean toward this position (while qualifying my support a bit), and thought I might offer a few random resources in no particular order here. Again, I do not want to drink the koolaid on any system: they all have strengths and weaknesses. But I do believe that Historic Premillennialism is a helpful system and makes good sense of the text, overall.
Here are some resources:

Probably the one book to read on this system if you only have time for one. Exhaustive, persuasive, and well-written.

This book was pretty important in introducing Historic Premillennialism to me and has had a profound impact on my own thinking about these questions.

Blomberg’s own essay in this volume is quite helpful.
The blog post’s title is “Some Resources for Further Study on the Historic (Pre-Tribulational) Pre-Millennial Position.” Did you mean to say “Pre-tribulational”?
Ha! You are correct! Good check! I’ll shall fix that right now!